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Contraindications for Breathwork 

It’s recommended that you consult with your healthcare provider (including any mental health provider) and consult with your Breathwork practitioner before practicing any form of Breathwork.


Following is a list of some of the most common contraindications for Breathwork:


  • Cardiovascular problems 

  • High or abnormal blood pressure

  • History of aneurysms

  • Epilepsy or history of seizures

  • Anyone on heavy medication

  • Severe psychiatric symptoms, particularly psychosis or paranoia

  • Bipolar depression

  • Osteoporosis

  • Recent surgery

  • Glaucoma

  • Pregnancy

  • An active addiction

  • Any person with mental illness who isn’t in treatment or lacks adequate support


Breathwork can result in intense physical and emotional release. Therefore, it is not advised for persons with a history of cardiovascular disease, including angina or heart attack, high blood pressure, glaucoma, retinal detachment, osteoporosis, any significant recent physical injuries or surgeries. Breathwork is not advised for persons with severe mental illness or seizure disorders, or for a persons using major medications. It is also unsuitable for anyone with a personal or family history of aneurysms. Pregnant women are advised against practicing Breathwork without first consulting and getting approval from, their primary care physician. Persons with asthma should bring their inhaler and consult with their primary care physician, and the Breathwork facilitator before the first session.

Liability Waiver

Please download, sign and return to me.

Please fill out the following form in order to participate in our Breathwork session.

Do you have any of the conditions that are listed in the contraindications?

Thank you! I look forward to working with you.

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